Runners: Preventing Shin Splints Starts Now
Feb 26, 2024Track season is right around the corner, and shin splint season is right behind it. Every year, without fail, runners with shin splints stream through our doors. This year, I don’t want you to be one of their number, but that means you need to start working on these exercises right now!
Foam Roll Quads
Foam Roll Calves
Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Calf Stretch
Wall Pusher
Single Leg Glute Bridge
Single Leg RDL
Lunge Iso With Heel Raise
Individualized running mechanics are too complex a topic for this short read - check out our past blogs, or schedule an evaluation to discover your most efficient movement patterns!
To learn more about shin splints and other running related injuries, check out our interactive diagnostic dashboard!