Haven’t had a chance to read “The Case for Healthcare Freedom,” a nearly...
We often have athletes and physical therapy clients ask “how can I avoid...
It’s January. Your deductible just reset. And you just tweaked your back with...
A new year can bring a lot of energy and motivation for those who are looking to start fresh and...
The most important day of your training week? A midweek recovery day. Don’t...
By: Hana Pokornowski LAT, ATC
Everyone is familiar with using the RICE method after an...
Plymouth, MN, November 26, 2024 - Last Saturday was a big day for Inspired Athlete Joey...
It's November. That means elections, football, and Thanksgiving. It's also Veteran's...
One common misconception we hear a lot as physical therapists is that pain always means damage....
By: Molly King DPT, ATC
Runners tend to be data junkies - they track every mile down to...
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