Wrist Sprain

Wrist/Hand > Wrist Sprain

The wrist is one of the most complex areas of the body, made up of many bones, ligaments, and muscles. Wrist sprains most commonly occur in people who place a lot of stress on the wrist joint such as gymnasts, boxers, tennis players, weightlifters, industrial workers, etc.


Mechanism of Injury: Acute wrist sprains are usually caused by a fall on an outstretched hand or sport related overuse.

Contributing Factors: Sports that increase risk of falling. Muscle weakness. Type of activity. Previous history of wrist injuries.

Signs/Symptoms: Pain in the wrist. Tenderness/swelling. Stiffness in the wrist. Loss of range of motion. Pain with weightbearing on hand (push up, plank, etc.)

At Home Tests: Range of Motion (see video). Plank test (see video).

At Home Treatment: Avoid irritating activity. Compression. Comfort care: ice, NSAIDS.


When to Seek Help: Contact your physical therapist if symptoms continue or get worse in 7 days, or if you have difficulty performing various activities of daily living.


Treatment at Inspired Athletx: Treatment at Inspired Athletx begins with a thorough examination and proper diagnosis.  Unfortunately, most healthcare providers will immediately diagnose any tingling/numbness in the hands as CTS without looking for nerve entrapment higher up the chain, leading to many unnecessary and ineffective carpal tunnel surgeries.  Once you have the correct clinical diagnosis, your physical therapist will use manual therapy to improve mobility in the areas where the nerve is being trapped, corrective exercises to improve posture and reduce the likelihood of future entrapment, and activity and ergonomic modifications to reduce entrapment with work or hobbies. Click here to schedule a physical therapy evaluation with us.


Disclaimer: The content contained in this section of the website is intended for informational purposes only.  It does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to function as a substitute for a professional diagnosis or treatment from a licensed healthcare provider.

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