Golfer's Elbow

Elbow > Golfer's Elbow

Golfer’s Elbow is the common term for Medial Epicondylitis. With this condition, the flexor muscles of the wrist/forearm become inflamed and irritated at the bony attachment point on the inside of the elbow.


Mechanism of Injury: This occurs from repetitive stress and usage of the flexor muscles in the wrist/forearm. This is often due to faulty mechanics with rotational sports (tennis serve, golf swing, etc.).

Contributing Factors: Ineffective mechanics at the shoulder/core/hip. Weakness of wrist flexors.  Inefficient swing mechanics.

Signs/Symptoms: Pain and tenderness at the flexor mass. Pain on the inside of the elbow. Weakness in wrist flexors. Wrist/elbow stiffness. Numbness/tingling.

At Home Tests: Golfer’s Elbow Test (see video)

At Home Treatment: Massage flexor mass. Wrist flexor stretching. Avoid aggravating activity.


When to Seek Help: Contact your physical therapist if your pain does not subside within 1 week.


Treatment at Inspired Athletx: Treatment for golfer’s elbow at Inspired Athletx begins with manual therapy to the muscles of your forearm and joints of your wrist and elbow, as well as other areas contributing to inefficient movement and overuse of the elbow/wrist.   Dry needling is very effective for this condition, and is included in treatment whenever possible.  Corrective exercise focuses on reducing stress through the elbow/wrist by addressing the issues at the hip, core, back, and shoulder that are causing the overuse - treat the cause, not the symptoms. Click here to schedule a physical therapy evaluation with us.


Disclaimer: The content contained in this section of the website is intended for informational purposes only.  It does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to function as a substitute for a professional diagnosis or treatment from a licensed healthcare provider.

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